Tuesday, 10 September 2019



 These days many of my clients are deciding to improve their appearance and are investing in cosmetic surgery.  This now in 2019 is nothing out of the ordinary in for women and men, but surgery generally does not improve the condition of the skin, especially in the areas that can be a” give away” to ageing , the areas of the neck and décolletage.
My advice is to all my clients whether they choose the surgery route or non-invasive anti- ageing treatments is to invest in a course of conditioning treatments for these areas, it is common to invest time and money on your face and forget these most important and delicate areas that are often neglected.

Autumn and winter are an ideal time to invest in such courses of treatment, when the sun is no longer so strong and the skin is not so exposed, so what do I suggest?After a long hot summer removing faded suntan and dead skin cells is vital to keep the skin soft and fresh looking and to encourage new and healthier skin cells.  Microdermabrasion with fine crystals, applied under suction lifts away the debris accumulated on the skin and allows this process to take place, conditioning masks and creams can now do a better job as these old cells have been removed.Treatments such as gentle acid peels and ultrasonic peeling are another alternative.Intense Pulsed Light treatment or IPL are a great addition to build up the quality and strength of the skin by encouraging the manufacturing of collagen.Any redness on the chest area or brown pigmentation can be greatly improved by IPL treatment but this must be done in the less sunny months.

Micro needling with serums, a treatment called Dermafrac, a painless needling procedure again improves the condition and quality of the skin, by moisturising and encouraging collagen.
To help the neck which is such a delicate area and can show the signs of ageing more quickly than others, skin tightening using Radio Frequency together with pads using micro current are  a very effective, pleasant and relaxing treatments.

It is necessary to invest in a short course of 4 to 6 treatments depending on the treatment taken over a period of months, treatments vary in price and a free consultation is necessary to decide on what is the best option for your skin.

Please contact Clinica Dental La Plaza and ask for Yvonne Rollinson BEAUTY WITH TECHNOLOGY