Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Teeth Cleaning and the 5 common mistakes ..

You cleaned your teeth this morning …..so are you sure they are really clean ? Its not really easy to see if you have done the job right as plaque is the same colour as the teeth and that is what you are trying to remove- plus you can only see the front teeth anyway.

Hopefully you are AWAKE and thinking clearly when you do them as that would help ! Plus …do you really want to breath stale smelly breath over the next person you meet today? I bet you answer no, so here are the 5 commons mistakes that people make…

⦁    Not brushing into the gums around the necks of the teeth. Avoiding the gums will prevent you from removing all the plaque since most of it is next to the gum and if left there it will eventually infect the gums causing gingivitis which make the gums bleed on brushing.- Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease,when plaque penetrates the gum and it becomes inflamed because of it.

⦁    Not reaching the back far enough…its takes effort to think and reach right to the very back and once you are there you need to spend a bit more time on that area to be really thorough.

⦁    Not brushing the insides…this is really common as people seem to think the front of the teeth is most important….not true…also the angle of the brush needs to be adjust to effectively clean round the insides right to the back top and bottom.

⦁    Brushing too softly – people seems to be worried about ``harming the gums¨ which is silly as you do far more damage to gums by not cleaning properly ! Also some soft brushes are often too soft and not effective cleaners, whereas as hard brush bristles don`t bend around so well in between the teeth and brushing hard with these brushes is too hard on the gums. So, generally use a medium bristle small headed brush and with this you cannot go far wrong .

⦁    Not brushing or flossing between the teeth – many people think this is unimportant and too much bother but in truth it has increasing importance for adults ( not so for children)as the interdental spaces tend to widen as we age and therefore
hold more plaque which the toothbrush cannot reach in any case. This plaque left there can cause gum disease and gum pocketing and lead to cavities most of which start between the teeth anyway - If you don’t minibrush or floss then your mouth is only 60% clean                                           . 

In short …a quality medium small headed brush, vigorous, circular movements and a thorough job - a maximum clean in the morning with interproximal brushes and a second quicker clean at night.
We recommend electric brushes of course, especially Phillips sonicare.

Article by Dr.Karen Gardner at Clinica Dental La Plaza, Javea,  Tel 96 646 1120

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

10 tips for Top Teeth
1. Consider an electric toothbrush
The latest manual toothbrushs are excellent, but that depends on doing it right – making small circular motions with the brush, tackling both jaws, in front and behind the teeth for around two minutes. An electric brush makes it easier to be thorough.

2. To clean well and avoid gum disease/bleeding gums you must brush the teeth AND the gums around them-Brush in small circles along the rows of teeth – upper and lower, in front and behind- focusing at gum level around all the teeth , spending extra time on the back teeth. That means brushing teeth and the gums around them.If they bleed then that means carry on clean for longer! ( and visit your hygienist)

3.Brush your teeth before breakfast and before bed ( twice a day), there is no need to brush your teeth more than this- more is not better. If you need to you can always rinse out with water to freshen–up. Do not brush after eating any type of acid food or drink , as this will thin the enamel on your teeth, and make them sensitive and weaker. The idea of brushing after meals is inappropriate and of no benefit- Your teeth have most plaque ( bacteria)on them in the morning , so that is when to brush and clean really well .

4. Small, decaying deposits of food and plaque bacteria between the teeth are the major reasons for tooth decay( when combined with sugars), gum disease and bad breath.
So use dental floss or interdental brushs every day, once a day ideally ! and between all your teeth, not just the ones with food stuck in them. Plaque builds up between the teeth where your brush just won´t reach.

Use a strip of floss at least 30cm long, place it between your teeth, sliding it down under the gums, scraping it up and down each side of the gum;. Everyone hates this extra work , but if you don´t do that then your mouth will never be really clean or fresh.
With practice it shouldn´t take long.

5.Visit your dentist once a year and the hygenist every 6 months, is best for most people. The dental hygenist can give your mouth a thorough clean to reach the areas that you don´t, cleaning away hardened plaque and tartar around between the teeth and below the gum level, and polish your teeth to remove stain and make them smooth. You will also get any hygiene advice that you need for your mouth.

6.Use a fluoride – toothpaste, as the fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay.

7.Avoid fizzy drinks like coca-cola and cut down on other soft drinks, including fruit juices. Fizzy drinks have a very high sugar and acid content, and tend to strip the enamel from your teeth, advancing the decay process, thinning the enamel, and thus making teeth more sensitive. This is also true of fruit,some teas, cider and wine.

8.Avoid sucking sweets on a regular basis. They remain in your mouth for a long time and are rich in sugar. In fact avoid all refined sugars as far as possible - especially the white stuff, which is also fattening.
Chewing gum is ok . Chocolate is safer on teeth than sweeties.

9 Aging+ red wine + coffee cause discoloured teeth. If you don´t like disoloured teeth then consider having them whitened using the home kit or chairside technique for whitening- results are fantastic- it is true that people who have great looking teeth look after them better, naturally to maintain that attractive smile.

10.Don't smoke- bad for health and gums and stains your teeth
Cigarettes darken your teeth – with a
combination of tar and nicotine , and cause bad breath.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Snoring: Causes and Cures




Just about everyone snores occasionally. Even a baby or a beloved pet may snore! But snoring can affect the quantity and quality of your sleep, leading to daytime fatigue, irritability and increased health problems. And, if your snoring is so loud that your bed partner can't sleep, you may end up banished from the bedroom.
How to stop snoring

Sleep on your side
Elevate the head of your bed
Limit alcohol and medications
Clear your nasal passages
Lose weight

You may find that your snoring persists even after trying these changes. If your snoring results from a more serious cause, a cure may be more complex – but there are solutions. Your nights don’t have to be noisy

It also makes sense to try some simple non-invasive treatments first to see if they will reduce or prevent your snoring..

Where does the snore sound come from?

Snoring is caused by a narrowing of your airway, either from poor sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat. A narrow airway gets in the way of smooth breathing and creates the sound of snoring.
People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue, or “floppy” tissue that is more prone to vibrate. The position of the tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.

The way you snore may reveal why you snore!
If you snore

With your mouth closed: a problem with the tongue is probably the culprit

With your mouth open: your snoring is likely related to the tissues in your throat

Only on your back: your snoring is probably mild – improved sleep habits and lifestyle changes may be effective cures

In all sleep positions: your snoring is more severe and may require a more comprehensive treatment

Snoring relief: Self help tips and remedies

Tip: The tennis ball trick

Do you sleep on your back? Try to sleep with a tennis ball (or any ball of approximately the same size) attached to the back of your pyjama top. You can safety-pin a sock to the back of the pyjama top, then put a tennis ball in it.) The tennis ball is uncomfortable if you lie on your back, and soon you will develop side-sleeping as a habit and not need the tennis ball.

Lose weight Even a little bit of weight loss can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and decrease snoring. 

Sleep on your side.  

Elevate your head – Try elevating the head of your bed four inches, which may make breathing easier and encourage your tongue and jaw to move forward. Sleep without a pillow (or with a specially designed pillow) to make sure your neck muscles are not crimped.  
Avoid certain foods, alcohol and medications before bed - Alcohol and certain medications increase relaxation of throat and tongue muscles, which makes snoring more likely. Sleeping pills or tranquillizers may help you sleep, but they will also relax your muscles and increase the chance of snoring. High-fat milk products or soy milk products cause mucus to build up in the throat which can lead to snoring as well.  

Clear your nasal passages - Having a stuffy nose makes inhalation difficult and creates a vacuum in your throat, which in turn leads to snoring. Nasal decongestants or nasal strips may help you breathe more easily while sleeping. Antihistamines can help with allergies, but will relax throat muscles and cause snoring.

Dental appliances
Dental devices, which often resemble the mouth guards worn by athletes, can help open your airway by bringing your lower jaw or your tongue forward during sleep. They are very effective and may be the easiest remedy for some people
Most dental devices are acrylic and fit inside your mouth.