Friday, 23 February 2018

Gum disease 'linked to heart problems'

Excellent oral hygiene could prevent heart attacks, by stopping dangerous bacteria entering the bloodstream, a British study shows.

The sheer number of bacteria which can live in an unhealthy mouth – more than 700 strains – increases the risk of heart disease, regardless of how fit a person is. Evidence is now developing that links the oral bacteria of gum disease and chronic teeth infections to increased incidence of heart disease.
The germs create thousands of tiny blood clots, which can cause a narrowing of the arteries, a common cause of attacks. More than 2.5 million people in Britain suffer from heart disease, and one British adult dies from the condition every three minutes.The disease is characterised by the restriction of blood to the organ, which can cause a heart attack.
Studies have previously shown a link between having gum disease and an increased likelihood of suffering from heart disease or a stroke. However, they have struggled to explain why the conditions are linked until now.
The mouth is an easy entry for nasty bacteria. Once inside the blood stream the platelets, which help the blood to clot, latch onto the bacteria. This can cause a blood clot, which can detach and travel to the heart. This is more worrying if the blood clot actually forms on the heart's ventricle."
We now recognise that bacterial infections are an independent risk factor for heart diseases. In other words it doesn't matter how fit, slim or healthy you are, you are adding to your chances of getting heart disease by having bad teeth. Gum disease is the most common reason behind tooth loss in adults, which shows how extremely common it is.
Here are some tips to prevent gum disease and dental problems
For most people, sticking with commonsense tips can head off problems. If you keep your mouth clean, it is very hard for the bacteria that cause periodontal disease to get started. You will also reap other benefits - fewer fillings, healthier gums, and a brighter smile and very importantly fresh breath confidence.
We have always known that a little prevention goes a long way, but we used to think of it in terms of avoiding cavities and things like that. Now it seems that by using your toothbrush and your floss/ mini brushes, you might also be preventing much more serious health problems down the road."

Tip from Dr Karen Gardner - Your dentist in Javea
I see very many patients who believe that they have good oral hygiene, they think they are doing the job well ,but aren’t actually doing well enough. The only way to be really sure if your oral hygiene is up to scratch is to get checked regularly at least once a year. Most people need a dental clean every 6 months and some every 3 months - depending on their own ability to keep the mouth plaque free and their own personal tendency for gum disease. If you avoid the dentist then there is a very high chance that you unknowingly have bad breath and gum disease – and we now know that gum disease could even be a silent killer.

Here are some photos to show the stages of gum disease :

Article provided by Dr Karen Gardner, of Clinica Dental La Plaza,
Edificio La Plaza, Javea. Tel: 96 646 1120.
If you would like more help or any advice, we welcome you to our clinic for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Monday, 19 February 2018

A cure for dental anxiety and fear?

Does the thought of succumbing to the dentist's chair send a jolt of anxiety through your body? When it comes to triggering a fear response, few things can set people off like an upcoming trip to the dentist. Fear and anxiety toward the dentist and dental treatment are  significant factors  that contribute to avoidance of dental care.

That fear can set in early. Threatening comments from a parent, or more common, a painful experience at the dental clinic during childhood triggers anxiety that carries over into adulthood
"Modern dentistry is virtually painless." Easier said than believed…..
Techniques and equipment have come a long way over the past few decades. Needles are very thin compared with yesteryear  topical anesthetic gels  numb the surface  during injections . Modern drills are much quieter with little vibration.

However…Why suffer anxiety during dental treatment  when you can relax with Nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") which is relaxing and pleasurable . You can have all your dental treatment done in a relaxed and controlled manner . You inhale the gas through your nose during the entire procedure and are back to normal shortly afterward and able to drive yourself home. Chances are that once your teeth are done you will really have very little need of treatment in future apart from an occasional cleaning for maintenance.  This way you don`t need to worry about your fears as they float away with the gas.
Nitrous oxide gas is also very useful for children . Some children can become anxious when they see the dentist – especially when they need treatment or have toothache. As a result, they may not be able to relax or sit still long enough to receive treatment. Using gas sedation can help to complete more treatment in one visit which is a great benefit to cut down on dental visits and get it over without a scene. Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen and delivered through a small mask over the nose As the gas begins to work, the child will  naturally remain calm and relaxed.
The effects of nitrous oxide are mild. It is safe and quickly eliminated from the body. The child remains awake and can  interact with the dentist. When the gas is turned off, the effects wear off very quickly.

  A good, trusted dentist who puts you at ease is extremely important. This goes without saying. But technology can also help you relax and relieve anxiety. For example listening to your own music on your phone is another useful way to help relax. Aromatherapy and visual distractions can also help you to relax as can reading our ceiling map.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

10 Ways to a great smile

Your smile is the first thing that people notice about you so make sure it is clean, fresh and white

Buy a quality electric toothbrush
In theory an old style manual toothbrush is just as good, but that depends on doing it right – making small circular motions with the brush, reaching all the surfaces . A good electric brush makes cleaning easier and more effective.

To clean well and prevent gum disease you must brush teeth and gums in circles along the rows of teeth – upper and lower, in front and behind- focusing at gum level around all the teeth , spending extra time on the back teeth

Brush your teeth before breakfast and before bed ( twice a day), there is no need to brush your teeth more than this. If you need to you can always rinse out with water or mouth-rinse to freshen–up

Do not brush after any type of acidic food or drink , as this will thin the enamel on your teeth, and make them thinner and sensitive.

Small, decaying deposits of food and plaque bacteria between the teeth are one of the major reasons for tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath.
So floss or interdental brushes once a day to clean the gaps between all your teeth, not just the ones with food stuck in them.

Visit your dentist once a year and the hygenist every 6 months for cleaning. The hygenist will give your mouth a thorough clean to reach the areas that you can´t and polish your teeth to remove stains.

Use a fluoride – toothpaste, as the fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay.

Avoid fizzy drinks especially coca-cola and cut down on other soft drinks, including fruit juices. Fizzy drinks have a very high sugar and acid content, and tend to strip the enamel from your teeth, advancing the decay process, thinning the enamel, and thus making teeth more sensitive. This is also true of fruit,some teas, cider and wine.

Avoid sucking sweets. They remain in your mouth for a long time and are rich in sugar. In fact avoid all refined sugars as far as possible - especially the white stuff.
Chewing gum is ok .

Have teeth whitening treatment to whiten your teeth and really improve your smile. Red wine and coffee and aging causes your teeth to discolour

Stop smoking for fresh breath and for your own health.